Urban Politics 101 is a blog designed to be a vehicle for free-minded people to share their views on politics, music, entertainment and other topics relevant to urban culture.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Much Respect Urban Prep!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Power To The People
The ex-Black Panther and current U.S. Congressman Bobby Rush stands on Capitol Hill in solidarity with Trayvon Martin.

Pay Attention College Students...
Congress at it again yall! They have decided to tighten the eligibility rules for Pell Grant applications, these rule changes are set to start on July 1, 2012. Pell Grants were and are designed to help those from families of modest means afford college, due to its successfulness, the number of those who apply has more than doubled in the last ten years. The number has risen from 9.5 million in 01' to 19.4 million in 2011, while the costs of the program has tripled from ten million in 01' to 34.9 million in 2012.
One of the Pell Grant provisions being discarded is the Ability-To-Benefit (ATB) test. Reading Comprehension, Sentence Structure, and Arithmetic Skills are the three ATB tests measures. This test is a requirement for those who wanna apply for a Pell Grant, but don't have a h.s. diploma or a G.E.D. certification. The removal of the ATB option will most definitely affect minorities and low income citizens. This test is for many, the gateway to higher education. The numbers say it all...according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2008), those with bachelor's degree earn twice as much as those with a h.s. diploma, $42,783 to $21, 569, also 24 % of African-Americans students receive Pell Grants. To all those who want to take the ATB test, the deadline is July 1, 2012.
One of the Pell Grant provisions being discarded is the Ability-To-Benefit (ATB) test. Reading Comprehension, Sentence Structure, and Arithmetic Skills are the three ATB tests measures. This test is a requirement for those who wanna apply for a Pell Grant, but don't have a h.s. diploma or a G.E.D. certification. The removal of the ATB option will most definitely affect minorities and low income citizens. This test is for many, the gateway to higher education. The numbers say it all...according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2008), those with bachelor's degree earn twice as much as those with a h.s. diploma, $42,783 to $21, 569, also 24 % of African-Americans students receive Pell Grants. To all those who want to take the ATB test, the deadline is July 1, 2012.
Monday, March 26, 2012
As I sit here writing this post I'm getting angry and you should be too. Watching Good Morning America today my blood was boiling watching the"friend" of George Zimmerman defend him. He stated that Mr. Zimmerman has in many ways lost his life as well, I'm sitting and screaming "are you fucking serious????? No, he hasn't lost his life, he can still get up everyday and see his family,smell the spring time air and see his kids grow up. Trayvon Martin lost his life; his parents will never see him graduate....they will never see him play another game of football or hold a grandchild of Trayvon's. So let's not start feeling sorry for Zimmerman. It is being reported that Zimmerman's nose was broken during the struggle with Trayvon.....go figure!!! When you hunt a person and walk up on them your nose might be broken,but that does not give you the right to take a life. All I can say is black people beware because this law in Florida basically allows anyone to shoot you and say they feared for their life. So black people please don't raise your voices in public or make any sudden moves because that may very well be taken as a threat. I'm being sarcastic of course but you just never know when a boy can be shot and killed for wearing a hoodie in the rain.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Asshole Of The Week!!!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Support the "Million Hoodie March"
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Romney Wins In Illinois...So Wat?
It seems Mitt pulls it out in Illinois, but do we really care? It has been a forgone conclusion since Super Tuesday, he was the unwanted frontrunner, who as far as numbers go, is gonna clinch the nomination. There were 54 delegates up for grabs today in Illinois. Romney had a total of 521 delegates coming in to the state, the closest to him being Santorum with 253 delegates. It is clearly looking like a definite road to victory for Mitt, needing a total of 1,144 to capture the Republican nomination. Just one thing...his fellow nominees got other plans...to continue trying to pick up delegates, regardless of how hopeless their chances look in the race. The goal to prevent Romney from having the total 1,144 before the party's convention in the coming summer, and cause a contested nomination! This could only work wonders for the Obama camp. A divided republican party, especially in a presidential election, is a godsend for democrats.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
For Real?
Thursday, March 8, 2012
KONY 2012...
True story...my twelve year-old daughter put me up on game...came home started talking bout KONY 2012? KONY 2012! You know what that is? You know who that is? I told her I knew who he was, Joseph Kony, and what he was doing as the head of the LRA, the Lord's Resistance Army, leader of a army of child soldiers, at more than a few thousand of them. But I soon learned that KONY 2012 was a movement sweeping through the internet and the entire U.S., and going worldwide...from twitter to my daughters' grammar school to my living room...What is understood need not be said, watch this...and spread the word! Join KONY 2012!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Question Of The Day?
Had to stop in and say a lil something...was having a convo with a good friend, and we debated whether black folk should register as independents rather than democrat or republican? I stated we as a people, should register as independents until the dems and republicans show us the same respect shown to other demographics when campaigning or when elected to office. As my friend stated correctly, in the upcoming election its really a non-issue since of course the majority of black people seems to be clearly voting Obama in Nov. I agreed but replied, " The presidential election aint the only election we need to be focusing on...there is local, state and federal." To be clear, I'm not saying the democratic party aint a friend to us...nor saying the repubs are...just stating the facts...Why must the only option in politics be democrats or if we well-off enough republican? It seems to me both parties go out of their way to court or draw in independents, yet we cling to a party that discards our issues or fail to fight for the things we want or our community needs...I'm just asking...
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